While compilating the report, Infaith Group will provide comprehensive services to the client, including desk research, surveys, and interviews. We will thoroughly explore the company's exemplary ESG practices and highlight cases to tailor a customized ESG report. This report will systematically address stakeholder concerns and, through diverse communication channels, convey a positive image of the company to the public.
Achieving peak carbondioxideemissions and carbon-neutrality is a majorstrategic decision made by the Central Government, which is of greatsignificance toachievinghigh-quality development andcomprehensive construction of a modernsocialist country.Infaith Grouphelps enterprises to make significant progress in adjusting and optimizing their energy structure from six aspects. significantly improving the energy utilization efficiency of key industries, and promoting the research and development and promotion of green and low-carbon technologies.
Aligning with the relevant rating requirements of MSCI ESG,etc., Infaith Groupconduct ESG due diligence and peer benchmarking research to provide rating diagnosis and improvement reports for enterprises. Also,we assist enterprises in communicating with rating agencies, helping enterprisesenhance the quality of their ESG metrics management and disclosure, as well as ESG rating performance, positioning theenterprise as a responsible investment target.
Mature ESG management is a systematic endeavor. Centered on ESG, enterprises must integrate all elements of 'concept-strategy-planning-evaluation,' ensure comprehensive advancement across 'decision-making, management, and execution levels,' and maintain ongoing resource investment and interdepartmental coordination. Infaith Group supports enterprises in building ESG indicator systems across seven dimensions to enhance decision-making efficiency and execution effectiveness.